
Drinking Water Systems

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Drinking Water Reverse Osmosis Systems

Puronics® drinking water filtration systems utilize Reverse Osmosis (RO) to produce the highest quality water for all of your family’s drinking water and food preparation, eliminating the need for bottled water.

What is a Reverse Osmosis System and a Water Softener?

Reverse osmosis (RO) systems filter your water and water softeners soften your water. RO water systems rely on filtering your water through a reverse osmosis membrane to rid it of contaminants and minerals. Water softeners use ion exchange to replace minerals that cause your water to be hard with sodium or potassium to condition the water and make it soft. Both Puronics® drinking water systems and water softeners use activated carbon filters to reduce the bad taste and odors caused by chlorine in your municipal water.

Drinking Water Filtration Benefits

Better tasting water – RO water systems filter minerals out of your water leaving you great tasting water.
Environmentally-friendly – Reverse osmosis systems do not use any chemicals and are more environmentally friendly than other water filtration systems.
Crystal clear water – If your water is discolored or has an odor, consider using a reverse osmosis system to filter contaminants out of your water.
Softened Water – Even though the RO system is not an ion exchange water conditioner, it still removes the minerals in hard water, creating soft water.